Youth Empowerment
Youth Empowerment
Youth Empowerment

Youth Empowerment programs assist youth to live lives of such heroic virtue that they attract the attention of their peers, and spearhead victory after victory as the Cause marches on to embrace all humanity and create that Kingdom for which every heart longs. Youth training at the local or regional level assists youth to champion justice and arise to fulfill their heroic mission at this critical period in human history.
Course Modules

Module One—Youth: Loving Bahá’u’lláh (4 hours)
Fulfilling Our Purpose
Loving Bahá’u’lláh: team study and preparation, group presentations, journaling
Freedom and Maturity
Module Two—Youth: Arising to Serve (12 hours)
Fruit on the Tree of Life
Youth: The Choicest Time in Human Life
Youth: Making Decisions, Seizing Opportunities, Addressing Challenges, Overcoming Tests
Youth: Establishing the Kingdom
Prerequisites for Success: A Double Crusade
Rectitude of Conduct
A Chaste and Holy Life
Temple of Being
Spiritualizing Our Lives
Overcoming Stereotypes
Complete Freedom from Racial Prejudice
Expressing True Liberty
Arising to Serve: Memorization
Illumined Youth: Transforming Ourselves
Module Three—Youth: Transforming Civilization (12 hours)
Fellowship and Love
Trees of our Lives
The Environment and the Human Heart
Overcoming Oppression
Investigating Reality
Storming the Gates of Heaven
A New Cycle of Human Power
Heroes, Heroines, and Hands
Spiritual Revolution
Teaching the Cause of God
Empowering Community Life
Systematic Training for Youth Empowerment
Naming Our Gifts