Core Curriculum
Exciting News
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All Lesson Planning Guides are now complete!
The latest additions:
The Covenant and The Guardianship, Level 3
Richly detailed activities using the arts, sciences, crafts, and other learning tools on the themes of The Covenant and The Guardianship are included in this Lesson Planning Guide for teachers of junior youth of all backgrounds ages 12–14. Engage the hearts and minds of all learners with topics including: The Lesser Covenant and Its Purpose to Preserve Unity; The Will and Testament of Abdu’l-Baha; The Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice as Described in the Will and Testament of Abdu’l-Baha; Complete Loyalty to Baha’u’llah; Participation and Obedience; and Covenant-Breakers. Ideal for Baha’i classes open to all. Click here to see a sample page from this Lesson Planning Guide. order book
Life of Service and Huququ’llah/ Bahá’í Funds , Level 3—Coming of Age
Prepare junior youth of all backgrounds and faiths to contribute their talents in a lifetime of service. This Level Three Lesson Planning Guide for teachers of students ages 12–14 includes richly detailed activities using the arts, sciences, crafts, and other learning tools on the themes of A Life of Service and Huququ’llah and the Baha’i Funds. Specific topics includes: Scholarship and the Life of the Mind; The Kitab-i-Aqdas; Living the Heroic Life; Spiritual Practices; Community Service; Preparation for Marriage; Teaching Our Peers; Supporting the Baha’i Funds; The Development of the Institution of Huququ’llah and Its Trustees; The Disbursement of Huququ’llah; and Understanding Features and Calculations of Huququ’llah. Ideal for Baha’i classes open to all. Click here to see a sample page from this Lesson Planning Guide. order book
The Light of Bahá’u’lláh . . .
A family with two children started attending children’s classes in the fall. They are not Bahá’ís. This family has two adorable children, a four-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl. The little boy has difficulty learning and connecting with people. Each week, the mother brings them to class and waits for them until the class is over. One day the mother came up to one of the Bahá’í school teachers and told her this story. “Last night I went in to my son’s room to check that he was asleep. As I leaned down towards him I could hear this little voice singing ‘Shine your light on me, Bahá’u’lláh. I’m over here, Bahá’u’lláh.’” The mother says that she realizes how much he is learning and connecting very deeply with what matters the most.
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Feedback positive on our Spiritual Parenting course . . .
Falls Church, VA — “We are having a thoroughly good time with the Spiritual Parenting course, which we’ve been running through the One World Bahá’í School with a group of 20 parents. Feedback has been very positive, and we're continually in awe of the quality of the material we have to work with. We’re getting rave reviews, and the parents seem so appreciative. Thanks for getting us launched in this direction! It’s a great and much needed service to the community.”
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Shedding Light on the Subject. . .

These photos show a junior youth class using a Core Curriculum Level Three activity. This was a science experiment using optics (light and shadow), demonstrating 1) that darkness is the absence of light, and 2) that the edges of a shadow are sharper the closer an object is to the surface on which the light is projected because the angles of the rays of light are constrained. The edges of the shadow become more diffuse as the object moves further away from the surface on which the light is projected, this time because the angles of the rays of light are more numerous.
This related quotation by Bahá’u’lláh was memorized by the student in one lesson: “The utterance of God is a lamp whose light is these words: ye are the fruits of one tree and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and kindess, with friendliness and fellowship.”
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A Growing Neighborhood Class
Starting with one child four years ago, a teacher trainer in Scottsbluff now has between 8 and 16 children attend on a regular basis her Saturday Bahá’í classes. She is very excited because she now has a core group of children who are returning each year, and she is noticing more parent involvement. She and her helpers pick up the children from their homes. She learns a lot about the children on the ride to her house. She does home visits with the children, especially new attendees. She is getting to know the parents very well and establishing friendships with them. When she drives a child home she might stop in and see the new baby or just check in with the mom to say hello. Right now she is in the midst of more home visits, just to check in and let the parents know what their children are doing.
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Continuing success in Virginia . . .
“We still have 12 to 13 children who attend on a regular basis. We are using the Oneness strand right now and have two classes and one 14-year-old who helps us with the classes. Something new is that we have a retired chef who comes every Sunday and cooks lunch for the children. They love it and he loves being with the children. I notice that the children are maturing from last year, memorizing more.”
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The kids are happy! I am happy!
Whiting, VT — “As a Core Curriculum for the Spiritual Education of Children spiritual educator the high point of my service is working with the junior youth of my area. The Core Curriculum makes me look good as a teacher. I am able to address and plan appropriately for each of my students. The kids are happy! I am happy! What more could I ask for? We are learning and discovering the healing medicine that Bahá’u’lláh has offered us.” more stories . . .
A 12-year old boy, who recently registered as a Bahá’í
with his parents’ permission . . .
“When I first came here I was nervous because I thought the people there would be like the people in my neighborhood. But now today I can tell you that I thought wrong. Actually the people there are loving, caring, respectful, and very, very hopeful. Being there for the past three years, I am growing more and more into a man, not just any man—a smart, intelligent, handsome, and caring man.” more stories . . .
Teacher Development Workshops have been
an enormous help to me. . .
Davison, MI — “Once I had taken the Teacher Training and had a chance to put it into practice the Teacher Development Workshops became my next level of learning. They have been an enormous help to me, especially in the areas of writing lesson plans and outreach and inclusion because we have such a diverse group of children in our Bahá’í classes and so many children who are not Bahá’ís. I’m really grateful for this ongoing assistance.” more stories . . .